Celebrate Christmas at First Presbyterian with Westminster Choir and special guest OctaVocé+ including Facebook Livestream facebook.com/OctaVocePlus/
Celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ with OctaVocé+ as special guests of the First Presbyterian Church choir under the direction of Lean Zumberge - the wonderful Music Director. OV+ will be singing with the Westminster Choir (chancel choir) and sing as an octet four separate pieces including:
Gabriel’s Message - featuring Jessica and Alex
I Wonder As I Wander - featuring Joelle
Lullay My Liking by Thomas H.B. Slawson featuring Adam and guest Lindsey Bingham
Bell Carol arr. by Heather Sorensen featuring our accompanist Ruth Schweitzer and her husband Dale on piano
Advent Worship at First Presbyterian with OctaVocé+
Join the congregation and OV+ in celebrating the third Sunday of Advent (Gaudet Sunday) to “rejoice” in the season of the birth of Jesus Christ. We’ll be providing the music for the service including Mortensen’s O Magnum Mysterium (O Great Mystery) and a special arrangement of Silent Night (with our amazing tenor Alex Withers as soloist). Families of all faiths are welcome!
Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+
Join us for a wonderful collaboration with Anam Cara Choir (www.anamcarachoir.org) in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The concert will feature fabulous solos by OV+ and Anam Cara singers, a small ensemble (harp, organ, and strings) conducted by Atina Coates (AC artistic director) and 4 pieces by OV+ representing a cross-section of styles from classical to jazz.
Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+
Join us for a wonderful collaboration with Anam Cara Choir (www.anamcarachoir.org) in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The concert will feature fabulous solos by OV+ and Anam Cara singers, a small ensemble (harp, organ, and strings) conducted by Atina Coates (AC artistic director) and 4 pieces by OV+ representing a cross-section of styles from classical to jazz.