Celebrate Christmas at First Presbyterian with Westminster Choir and special guest OctaVocé+ including Facebook Livestream facebook.com/OctaVocePlus/

Celebrate Christmas at First Presbyterian with Westminster Choir and special guest OctaVocé+ including Facebook Livestream facebook.com/OctaVocePlus/

Celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ with OctaVocé+ as special guests of the First Presbyterian Church choir under the direction of Lean Zumberge - the wonderful Music Director. OV+ will be singing with the Westminster Choir (chancel choir) and sing as an octet four separate pieces including:

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Advent Worship at First Presbyterian with OctaVocé+

Advent Worship at First Presbyterian with OctaVocé+

Join the congregation and OV+ in celebrating the third Sunday of Advent (Gaudet Sunday) to “rejoice” in the season of the birth of Jesus Christ. We’ll be providing the music for the service including Mortensen’s O Magnum Mysterium (O Great Mystery) and a special arrangement of Silent Night (with our amazing tenor Alex Withers as soloist). Families of all faiths are welcome!

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Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+

Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+

Join us for a wonderful collaboration with Anam Cara Choir (www.anamcarachoir.org) in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The concert will feature fabulous solos by OV+ and Anam Cara singers, a small ensemble (harp, organ, and strings) conducted by Atina Coates (AC artistic director) and 4 pieces by OV+ representing a cross-section of styles from classical to jazz.

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Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+

Home for the Holidays Concert with Anam Cara and OctaVocé+

Join us for a wonderful collaboration with Anam Cara Choir (www.anamcarachoir.org) in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The concert will feature fabulous solos by OV+ and Anam Cara singers, a small ensemble (harp, organ, and strings) conducted by Atina Coates (AC artistic director) and 4 pieces by OV+ representing a cross-section of styles from classical to jazz.

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